A puppy mill is the equivalent of a factory farm for dogs. The crop, in high demand by the American public, is puppies. Another term for a puppy mill is “commercial breeder;” as the name implies, puppy mill breeders have a commercial interest in puppies—selling them is how they make a living or greatly supplement their income. The problem is, to make a profit, commercial breeders must cut corners. Dogs are kept in cages all the time, with the minimum legal space allowed (six inches larger than the dog on all sides), females are bred as often as possible, and when they are no longer able to “produce,” they are discarded. It is no life for man’s best friend.
Take Action, from Best Friends:
Puppy Mill Awareness Day is a chance to do something as small as hanging up a flyer about puppy mills at a local business, telling a friend or relative, sending a letter to the editor, or something as large as organizing your own event. If you educate just one person, you’ve participated in Puppy Mill Awareness Day, and you’ve prevented at least one puppy sale.
Here’s how to get started:
1.) Want to go big? See what others are doing—join an event or start your own. More information is on the national events page on the Puppy Mill Awareness Day website: www.awarenessday.org/national/event_listings.html.
a.) Let the press know about your PMAD efforts with a media release: click here for instructions and a template
b.) Add your event to the national event listings on the Awareness Day website: click here to submit your event.
2.) Send a letter to the editor using this guide and sample letter
3.) Print and distribute these informational handouts:
-Alternatives to buying a puppy in a store or online
-How to be sure your next puppy isn’t from a puppy mill
-”Puppy for sale” flyer
4.) Get campaign gear: Shirts and lawn signs are now available!