6/10/10 - 8:00 PM8:00 1. Call to Order
8:05 2. Pledge of Allegiance
8:06 3. Agenda/Approval/Changes
8:10 4. Minutes
Town Meeting 5/13/10
Worksession 5/27/10
8:20 5. Town Administrator Report
Police Department Report – Chief Robshaw
8:25 6. Mayor and Council Announcements
8:30 7. Committee Reports
Recreation Council
Cheverly Day Report
Green Infrastructure Report
8:40 8. Citizen Input
8:45 9. Presentation – Ms. Elaine Friebele – Wildlife/Foxes9:00 10. Prince George’s County Firefighters – Tuxedo/Cheverly Station
9:30 11. Public Hearing – Speed Hump Petition – Oak Street (Ward 6)
9:45 12. Discussion R-5-10 Amending the Urban Renewal Program
9:55 13. Public Hearing – Constant Yield Tax Rate
10:05 14. Adoption OB-1-10 - FY 11 Operating Budget and Capital